{space and balance}

I know, I know... I'm an awful blogger and it's been a while since I've posted anything. I've got a couple blogs in progress that I hope to finish up over the next few weeks or so. But before I digress to much, I wanted to write a bit more on space and balance. This theme just came to me during a yoga class I was teaching yesterday. I honestly went into the class without an identified theme, which is unusual for me. But it was cool because the theme quickly emerged in the class and that was space and balance. Specifically in the class, was using the breath to create more space in the body and directing our breath into tight spaces in our bodies. Creating more space. Which got me thinking.... where do we need to create more space in our lives? How can we create more space in life? What needs to take up less space in our lives? That brings me to balance... oh balance... do we have balance in our lives? Probably not if we are being hon...