
Showing posts from 2019

The Counterpose for Life

Lessons from the mat….  The counterpose for LIFE…. Supported Fish…..  Think about how we live our daily lives.  Shoulders hunched over, head down, shoulders and neck tense. Fast and hurried.  Just get me through this day as fast as possible so I can go to bed, get back up in the morning and do it all over again.  We don’t trust. We aren’t vulnerable. We don’t use our voice or advocate for ourselves, told to “keep quiet.” We protect and shield our hearts, fear of being hurt, damaged further.  As a yoga teacher and a psychotherapist I have recognized that our practice on the mat often mirrors how we live. Think about your practice, if you have one.  Do you struggle with balance poses? How about balance in life? Do you get anger or frustrated if you have to sit still or are challenged? Do you give up and think you’re not good enough if a class or asana is to challenging or advanced for you? Do you show up in all power classes, pounding aw...