That pesky "f" word again....
Fear. Such an interesting word. It can be consuming, keep us trapped, helpless, hopeless. I've learned in the last 2 years that I needed to change the way I approached things in life. I can either let fear define me OR I can embrace my fear {as I've talked about before several times on here}. So what do we do when a feeling is triggered {hate that word} that causes us to freeze and makes us fearful? Recently, some feelings were stirred up for me and ones that I didn't even realize I was struggling with. These included feelings of abandonment and rejection..oh and I did mention that this also caused an onset of trust issues that I have never struggled with before? Good times! Ha ha! I don't think I realized how abandoned I felt after my most recent trauma occurred and began processing those feelings with my therapist (yes, I see a therapist). I've always struggled with what Brene Brown calls the "scarcity" problem, never feeling good enough, ...