
Showing posts from July, 2014

Living in the Gray

My apologies for being such an infrequent blogger!! I'm back though and hoping to get on a regular blogging track now.  One thing I've known about myself for a long time now and frequently remember my dad saying to me when I was younger was about how I tend to view the world and situations in "black or white." What does this mean exactly? Those of us that suffer from this form of extreme thinking tend to think in extremes and all-or-nothing thinking. I honestly used to view this as a primarily positive characteristic I had, but looking back I am able to see just how greatly it limited my life.  I'm a Type A, change-hating, perfectionist folks. So are the ladies I work with. So, black or white thinking tends to go along with those other traits.  Don't get me wrong, this way of thinking can and has helped me achieve goals and dreams.... But what it really does is limit and hurt me more than anything else!! Let's get real here.... How often do we truly encoun...

The "S" Word

My mom loves telling this story... When I was little, around 5 or so, I came running up to my mom exclaiming "Beau (my younger brother) just said the "f" word!!!" My mother was shocked and apparently started saying she couldn't believe my brother (just 2 years younger) would say something like that and where on earth would he have learned a word like that! I shook my head and said "not THAT 'f' word mommy... The OTHER 'f' word!!!" Mom said "what other word is there?!?!" And I responded, well, it's not ladylike and my mom would have a fit if I wrote it on here, but my brother said a word that is also used to describe "passing gas." To this day, THAT "f" word is one of the most offensive words you can say to my mom!    However, I'd like to talk about the "other s" word. And since we are talking about therapy, there are a couple words likely floating around in your head (ahem- shame)! Don...


Hi! Welcome to my blog! For a while, I've wanted to start a blog within the context of my professional life, so here I go.  I want to share insight, inspiration and knowledge here. If you are a current client of mine, I may have encouraged you to read the book "Daring Greatly" by Brenè Brown. Sidebar- I am in complete awe of Brenè's work and am understanding how imperative it is to life. Not just having a life, but thriving. Surviving isn't enough for me anymore. I want to THRIVE!!! Also, I've also discovered just how much I enjoy working with women. The messages of shame that we hear, we internalize and eventually start to tell ourselves, hold us back. They do NOT allow us to thrive or even get by in life. The constant comparison, numbing, foreboding joy, and "need" for perfectionism in our lives, and how that affects us interpersonally and intrapersonally. I want to stop listening to the bombard of messages that society, culture, and (to be com...