Attachment. It's a word I hear frequently in my work as a psychotherapist and as a yoga teacher. As a therapist, I've used it in the context of an individual having an attachment disorder, unable to bond with others. This can be a result of many things, abandonment, neglect, or abuse just to name a few. There are attachment disorders which can result in a myriad of issues during one's life. However, I am not going to be focusing on these types of disorders today. Today, I want to focus on the concept of "non-attachment" which is something that is always buzzing around in the yoga world. Long story short here with some Yoga History... there are 8 limbs of yoga... the physical practice of yoga (asana) is just ONE of the ways to practice yoga. There are many other ways, including the Yamas and Niyamas, which is basically the "dos and don'ts" in life. It's like a moral compass if you will. Aparigraha is one of the Yamas and it ...
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